Courtenay collaborates with organizations doing social and environmental advocacy work, helping them tell stories, convey information, and simplify issues. Clients have included the Anacostia Watershed Society, the Government of the District of Columbia, Many Languages One Voice, Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America), National Parks Conservation Association, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, and US Climate Action Network. Her advocacy art has been shared by storytellers including Jamie Lee Curtis and Rashida Jones.

Illustrations for the Natural Resources Defense Council campaign to protect Canada's boreal forest (2019-2021)

Illustrations for National Parks Conservation Association campaign to protect Obama administration protections from Trump rollbacks (2018-2019)

Illustration for Natural Resources Defense Council report, "Pandora's Box: Clearcutting in the Canadian Boreal," with Rebeka Ryvola (2018)

Street mural for city of Washington DC and Anacostia Watershed Society celebrating LGBTQ history in Dupont Circle (2017)

Cartoon for Restaurant Opportunities Centers DC and Many Languages One Voice supporting the rights of restaurant workers (2017)

Illustration for Sierra Club blog, "The Poison found in Kitchens and Homes across America" (2017)

Graphic summarizing climate justice goals of organizational members of U.S. Climate Action Network (2017)

Poster selected for the Amplifier Foundation's "Hear Our Voice" exhibition celebrating the Women's March on Washington (2017)

Infographic on paid maternity leave policies in different countries, with Rebeka Ryvola (2016)

Infographic on the Dakota Access Pipeline, with Rebeka Ryvola (2016)

Illustrations for Many Languages One Voice showing need for language access laws in DC (2016)

T-shirt design commissioned by Gary Dorr (Nez Perce Tribe) symbolizing fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline (2016)

Political cartoons commissioned by NARAL Pro-Choice America (2016)

Infographic for NARAL Pro-Choice America on Why Women Don't Report Sexual Assault (2016)

Infographic for The Nature Conservancy on environmental opportunities in the Balkan Peninsula (2016)